Gallery, 2007 – Archive of Oil Paintings

Take a journey through time and experience the beauty of Igor Shulman’s oil paintings from the year 2007. Each piece is a masterpiece, crafted with vivid colors and striking brushstrokes that convey a unique story and captivate the imagination.

Peruse and acquire contemporary oil paintings produced in 2007 at the Igor Shulman shop.

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2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021

Igor Shulman Artwork / 2007 year Album / Akt N19 90x120 sm
Akt N19
47.24 W x 35.43 H in / 120 x 90 cm
Igor Shulman Artwork / 2007 year Album / Akt N43 120x90 sm
Akt N43
35.43 W x 47.24 H in / 90 x 120 cm
Igor Shulman Artwork / 2007 year Album / Akt №46 - 70x50 sm
Akt №46
19.69 W x 27.56 H in / 50 x 70 cm
Igor Shulman Artwork / 2007 year Album / Akt №47 - 100x70 sm
Akt №47
27.56 W x 39.37 H in / 70 x 100 cm
Igor Shulman Artwork / 2007 year Album / Butterfly - 100x70 sm
27.56 W x 39.37 H in / 70 x 100 cm
Igor Shulman Artwork / 2007 year Album / Marina - 70x70 sm
27.56 W x 27.56 H in / 70 x 70 cm
Igor Shulman Artwork / 2007 year Album / Mark - 100x100 sm
39.37 W x 39.37 H in / 100 x 100 cm
Igor Shulman Artwork / 2007 year Album / May Day - 120x90 sm
May Day
35.43 W x 47.24 H in / 90 x 120 cm
Igor Shulman Artwork / 2007 year Album / Portrait of a Clerk - 100x70 sm
Portrait of a Clerk
27.56 W x 39.37 H in / 70 x 100 cm
Igor Shulman Artwork / 2007 year Album / The Ballet (Start)
The Ballet (Start)
Igor Shulman Artwork / 2007 year Album / The Ballet (Pause)- 100x70 sm
The Ballet (Pause)
27.56 W x 39.37 H in / 70 x 100 cm
Igor Shulman Artwork / 2007 year Album / The Moscow - 70x70 sm
The Moscow
27.56 W x 27.56 H in / 70 x 70 cm
Igor Shulman Artwork / 2007 year Album / The Music - 120x90 sm
The Music
35.43 W x 47.24 H in / 90 x 120 cm
Igor Shulman Artwork / 2007 year Album / The Russian Glamour
The Russian Glamour
Igor Shulman Artwork / 2007 year Album / With Woolf - 180x60 sm
With Woolf
23.62 W x 70.87 H in / 60 x 180 cm
47.24 W x 47.24 H in / 90 x 90 cm
Read more about where this painting is located now. Some pictures…

Navigate to Igor Shulman Art Gallery
2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021

Printing any artwork on canvas!

We are excited to share with you that Igor Shulman is now offering a new service where he can print any artwork on canvas, regardless of size. The cost is very affordable at only $ 1000 m2. If you're interested in this service, please don't hesitate to contact him to discuss your printing needs and pricing options.

See how the Kissing Under the Bridge art was printed on canvas

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