COV·ART Project

I’ve participated in the project of the Copelouzos Family Art Museum. That’s what has come out of this.

These lovely people ran a lockdown project called ‘COVART’

shulman covart project - News“We invite artists from all over the world to participate through their creation on a mask made of canvas.
With this initiative we want to show that creativity does not stop even in this difficult time period. We also want to emphasize the importance of the use of masks and its central role in tackling this pandemic.

The participating artists, offer through their creations, a different perspective to all of us, reminding us that art has the ability in every difficult side of life to influence and convey messages simply, loudly, clearly. A picture is worth a thousand words.

It would be a great pleasure and honor for us if you participate in this project”.


Významný ruský malíř, figuralista, absolvent Moskevské akademie. Zajímá ho malířský vnitřek života i život jako takový. Mistrovsky dokáže vystihnout atmosféru, výraz obličeje i výraz celé postavy a její pohyb. Jako jeden z mála zasazuje do děje krásu a nádheru nahého ženského těla, a současně i duševní a psychické stavy svých modelek. Je vyhledáván znalci z celé Evropy.

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