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Contemporary Oil Paintings by Igor Shulman on the Official Website
Igor Andrianov, known professionally as Igor Shulman, is a contemporary artist whose work transcends traditional boundaries to explore profound themes of humanity, ethics, and the interconnectedness of life. Born in 1959, Shulman's cultural trip began with a deep- seated passion for delineation, which he has nurtured into a lifelong career. His work is characterized by a unique mix of literalism and impressionism, frequently fastening on the mortal experience and its relationship with the natural world.
Shulman's cultural vision is deeply embedded in his compliances of people and their relations with the world. He draws alleviation from the beauty and complexity of mortal feelings, as well as the achievements and creativity of his fellow artists. This alleviation energies his work, allowing him to produce art that reverberate on both an emotional and intellectual position. His style is both bold and intricate, with a keen attention to detail that brings his subjects to life.
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Oil on CanvasBlog posts
Latest publicationsNew Saints - personal Exhibition of Igor Andrianov (Igor Shulman) (more…)
If only you knew how delightful it is to express oneself through painting. And how wonderful it is to paint dresses... (more…)
A Funny Interpretation of an Interview with Igor Shulman (more…)