The fact that you were born in this territory doesn’t make you great // Igor Shulman

Igor Shulman – a contemporary Russian artist, known for his participation in the “Witnesses” project and his view of the war in Ukraine. He considers himself a Russian artist, although he has lived and worked in the Czech Republic for many years. Shulman is a representative of the figurative school of painting. His works are exhibited in galleries, museums, international art fairs in Europe, and are in private collections in more than 50 countries worldwide. Continue reading “The fact that you were born in this territory doesn’t make you great // Igor Shulman”

Jeden dokonalý záber. Igor Shulman Interview to Dom&Bývanie

Igor Shulman je autorom pôsobivých malieb s autentickým rukopisom. maliar svojimi dielami navodzuje zvláštnu atmosféru zachytávania reality, pričom jeho obrazy pôsobia ako magické námety na dokonalý príbeh.

Igor Shulman pri svojich dielach na jednej strane siaha po všedných prvkoch reality, ktoré však zasadzuje do kontrastných motívov, na druhej strane zvolené farebné prevedenie obrazov navodzuje atmosféru tajomna a podčiarkuje celkové umelecké vyznenie.

Dom & Bývanie magazine
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Igor Shulman Klassik International Interview by Laura Gomez

Igor Andrianov (date of birth – 29th of February, 1959) is better known as Shulman, the trade mark name with which he signs his artwork. He has exhibited in over 30 art shows. Russia, Czech, Sweden, France, and Holland are but a few of the countries his art works have been featured in galleries and exhibitions. His art is fond in, galleries, homes and offices in over 50 countries including Great Britain, Spain, Germany, USA, Canada, Italy, France, Belgium, Russia, Ukraine, Hungary, Australia, Austria, England, China, Japan, Bahrain, Mexico, New Zealand, Brazil, Costa Rica, and Czech.

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